
Steps towards holiness for God

  " And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all around and within, and day and night they never cease to say, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!” Revelation 4:8 Holiness is a very important subject spiritually. God expects that His children live in holiness at all times. God is holy. His children are ought to be holy as He is. This was possible, in Old Testament and New Testament, only for those who focused on obeying the commandments of God heartily. The reality has changed the past years. Although it looks impossible to continue efforts for holiness, it is possible with the power of Holy God Almighty. The Holy Bible teaches this through many chapters and verses. Believers perceive holiness mostly as staying away from sinners and visible points of sin. However, most situations are deceitful in recent times. Simple matters may suddenly turn deadly within moments. God has given the Holy Bible to learn

The most worthy lifestyle

  "He led them by a straight way till they reached a city to dwell in." Psalm 107:7 The world records several theories about creation of all things, living and non-living. Believers follow the Holy Bible for their knowledge about all creation. Genesis 1:26 to 30 describes the overall purpose of creating humans. Almighty God, who was powerfully taking care of everything until He decided to create more beings, blessed His creations with best intentions in His mind. God is special in all aspects. He expects His creations to be special like Him. God guides His people through His straight paths that lead to their final destination i.e. eternal life. Psalm 107 talks about the journey of Israelites from slavery to their promised land, Canaan. It is generally considered simple for individuals to reach a city to dwell in. Individuals should either toil hard or adjust in a city in order to dwell in it. Psalm 107 provides insights about deliverance of God to the afflicted, helping to re

A Biblical rule to avoid curse

  Almost all individuals of legally permitted age for employment age and health have a career life. The struggling jobseekers and start up employers will become stable in their respective work one day. The Holy Bible permits ethical employment in order to take care of self and families. While believers toil their best everyday for their various needs, the world is undergoing various alarming changes. Health, peace and financial stability in families are deteriorating regardless of the highly advancing technologies. In fact, relationships are ripping apart due to greed, lust, selfishness and (or) or sins.  Many believers often wonder the reason behind life instabilities. Extreme pressure, office politics, narcissism, deciets, sorceries and related hardships often force believers to stop being in the presence of God daily. Tough conversations at work reflect on conversations with God as well as with family and friends. Satan plays his best to navigate believers that face problems from pr

Psalm 23

  Christians all across the world recite Psalm 23 most often. Some non-Christians are familiar with the chapter. Sunday school students often utilise opportunities to memorize the chapter at a young age. Although the chapter from the Holy Bible is very famous, only minority of believers know the power of Psalms 23. The Psalm is written by King David, a man after the heart of Jehovah. A deeper meditation on Psalm 23 reveals God organizes the life of a believer one step after another turning the life into the most beautiful one. Determination to live a life with God Almighty will bring rewards although the initial struggles try to make believers quit from believing the Lord. Believers are encouraged here to meditate Psalm 23 as stages of life one verse after another. The chapter teaches that the Lord takes a person through one phase after another once they decide to choose the Lord as their shepherd. The flock under the shepherd know their life is fine as long as they obey the shepherd.

By Faith

  "And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief." Matthew 13:58 "For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.”" Romans 4:3 Every person that believes in God desires miracles in their lives. A spiritually ignorant person turns to God mostly at the time of adversity. Most people assume miracles make life easier. It does when the sense of responsibility is consistent. Miracles provide urgently needed materials to move forward. Miracles make the impossible possible. Miracles solve matters that could not be solved otherwise. Miracles from God are His affectionate expressions towards His children. Nothing and noone can change a miracle from Almighty God. Many characters and crowds bring their stories as one navigates through the Word of God searching for ways to satisfy a need. Sincere efforts pave way to recognize, understand and correct in order to achieve spiritual growth while bringing cur

Overcoming jealousy

  "For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice." James 3:16 Oftentimes young children express their jealousy through their big faces, tantrums or tears. The matter would be silly. But, the emotions that follow lasts for a long duration. Adults resolve such matters as best as they can, creating ways to restore peace in everyone. It is a phase of growing children that changes for good or bad later in life. Children will grow up finally; each one with each mindset. Those that accept Jesus as their Savior have to shed away their old ungodly characteristics someday. It takes a lot of time but is worth the efforts as God helps with each and every big and small part of life and rewards since then. God rewards those that stand firm in His commandments. While some behaviors are removed from us forever, some return to us whenever we are careless in spirit.  The Holy Bible teaches in Genesis chapter 4 that God accepts all those who does

How about a praying house?

  "The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will flourish." Proverbs 14:11 The most comfortable place for anyone is their home. Any living space being used to reside as long as possible could be considered home. Home is generally considered the place for every person to just be themselves. Home needs very little reservations compared elsewhere. Safety and security, relaxation, food and hydration, entertainment, affection, hygiene and health are all taken care of mostly at home. Homesickness and work from home are terms that are coined from the significance humans give their homes. However, each home reveals each difference in regards with the behaviors, atmosphere, culture etc.  Sentiments and emotions play big at houses. A house is thought of as a boon since the family that resides in it bonds strongly even during testing times. However, life may also become a disaster due to the attitudes of the ones living in the same house. While some people