A Biblical rule to avoid curse


Almost all individuals of legally permitted age for employment age and health have a career life. The struggling jobseekers and start up employers will become stable in their respective work one day. The Holy Bible permits ethical employment in order to take care of self and families. While believers toil their best everyday for their various needs, the world is undergoing various alarming changes. Health, peace and financial stability in families are deteriorating regardless of the highly advancing technologies. In fact, relationships are ripping apart due to greed, lust, selfishness and (or) or sins. 

Many believers often wonder the reason behind life instabilities. Extreme pressure, office politics, narcissism, deciets, sorceries and related hardships often force believers to stop being in the presence of God daily. Tough conversations at work reflect on conversations with God as well as with family and friends. Satan plays his best to navigate believers that face problems from praying to cursing, and all the way to complete destruction. Curses affect believers that violate rules written in the Holy Bible. Wrongdoing, whether intentional or not, brings unnecessary curses.

The world is becoming ever more competitive day after day. Professionals are being replaced by technology. Prophecies and Word of God is visibly happening these times. Hence, the relevance of organization all aspects of life has become urgently high. While individuals, churches and families gather together for sanctification, there is a point believers need to watch. Children of God live, behave, speak, work, and even die only in obedience to Holy Spirit. Ephesians 4:30 advises that the Holy Spirit of God should not be grieved. The verse is prioritizing this explaining that it is the Holy Spirit of God that has sealed each believer for the day of redemption. This fact should looked upon with deep sense of responsibility. The Holy Bible should be obeyed in all aspects, which includes communication. Communication consumes most of the time in the lives of individuals. 

The Holy Bible projects the book of Proverbs as a source of immediate advises regarding all aspects of life. Whether Old Testament or New Testament, believers are expected by Holy God to continue efforts to live as holy as possible. God is strict about the specialty of His children. Almighty God commands His ways to His children to make it impossible to defeat them. Curses are powerful. Wrongdoers will suffer from curses because of their wrong deeds. Proverbs 30:10, states "Do not slander a servant to his master, lest he curse you, and you be held guilty." This short verse is surprising because the care of God is vividly expressed here. The discipline trained by the Holy Bible complete all aspects of life. Slander means false statements that ruin the reputation of another person. God communicates through His Word that believers should not slander workers to their superiors. 

Believers are ignorant most often about the words spoken, heard or written from their side. The mind and mouth should remain disciplined especially when a person is engaged for a work in or around your observation. Whether at own employment or family or a friend's, believers are to remain disciplined, avoiding any situations of slander. If a worker is slandered to their master, Holy Spirit will grieve as the servant will curse and the slanderer will be held guilty. This is written in the Holy Bible so that children of God avoid such risks. People that avoid these unwanted wrath will keep themselves away from slander. Those that pay attention to their dealings and communication remain safe from curses. In a world where employment is continually imperative to make ends meet, believers should be alert not to ruin the employment or reputation of workers through slander.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us remain Biblically disciplined in all situations. Extend your grace so we respect everyone around us. Keep us away from slander and the guilt of it. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.


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