Steps towards holiness for God


"And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all around and within, and day and night they never cease to say,

“Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!” Revelation 4:8

Holiness is a very important subject spiritually. God expects that His children live in holiness at all times. God is holy. His children are ought to be holy as He is. This was possible, in Old Testament and New Testament, only for those who focused on obeying the commandments of God heartily. The reality has changed the past years. Although it looks impossible to continue efforts for holiness, it is possible with the power of Holy God Almighty. The Holy Bible teaches this through many chapters and verses.

Believers perceive holiness mostly as staying away from sinners and visible points of sin. However, most situations are deceitful in recent times. Simple matters may suddenly turn deadly within moments. God has given the Holy Bible to learn and understand how to obey Him even in the most impossible circumstances. Temptations to just travel to a place might lead to an ungodly romantic relationship or temptation to try something new such as wine. It looks simple as the verses from Holy Bible would be used to one's own convenience. This becomes disastrous within less time. The wrath of God will fall on the ones who easily fell into sin. Hence, avoid such unnecessary travels if possible. Controversies continue regarding such matters. Those that value God should understand the concept of remaining holy.

Psalm 15 is a chapter from the Holy Bible that teaches main practices. The chapter highlights matters that most often gets ignored, knowingly or unknowingly. The first verse of Psalm 15 hints holiness ensures dwelling in the house of Almighty God. One meaning of this verse means qualifying for the highest spiritual range of relationshipwith Holy God. Such an eligibility comes from intense practice of the following verses of Psalm 15. That covers winning through battles, trials and temptations continuously.

The second verse shows the very first step of practicing holiness in life. Walk blamelessly, do what is right and speak truth heartily. The first step has two substeps that should be balanced correctly for walking blamelessly. Walking blamelessly shall be considered as living in accordance to the Word of God. If a believer refrains either from doing the right thing or speaking truth, then the walk of the believer becomes incorrect. Thus, the believer finds it nearly impossible to dwell in the house of God i.e. attain the highest level of spiritual growth towards Holy God.

The first step can be seen detailed in the third verse of Psalm 15. In order to dwell in holiness, a believer that cares to walk blamelessly should also control their tongue from slandering, refrain from doing evil to neighbors and refrain from taking up reproach against friends. Neighbors and friends are also creations of God. They are also witnesses of believers who know their speech and deeds. This verse is tough to practice but worth every effort. Main responsibility is self control and thinking many times before speaking anything. The thoughts of a believer has to be pure first for the speech and deeds to be in obedience to the Holy Bible.

Believers that practice holiness in accordance to Psalm 15 learns from verse 4 that holiness means also to despise the vile, honor those fearing God and remaining firm in their promise even if hurt for the same. This verse highlights the importance of staying away from the vile. Those practicing holiness are expected to maintain stability. Understand the boundaries set by Holy God and be safe. Distractions are to be avoided at any cost. Interacting with or respecting the vile might distract and eventually destroy believers altogether. Believers are to honor those who fear God as part of their holiness. Honor in thoughts, words and deeds. Promises or swears should be firmly kept at any cost. Holy God keeps His promise every single time. God kept His promise to Abraham, David and all others who kept practiced being holy for God in spite of mistakes in between.

The final verse of Psalm 15 teaches believers practicing holiness continuously will refrain from putting out their money for interest and refuses bribery against the innocent. Holy God gives this instruction through Psalmist for remaining blameless in the sight of God and for testimony among others. However small the interest be, God hates such financial gains. Money and life essentials ultimately come from Holy God. Psalm 15 ends with the promise of God for all who practice the verses for walking blamelessly. This is a promise that only Holy God can provide. This is indeed a blessing, the most wanted security in life. "He who does these things shall never be moved." Psalm 15:5 b.

These are times of urgency in practicing holiness as much as possible without judging spiritual leaders, spiritual blogs or authors. Whoever has fallen will be brought back to holiness by Almighty God if they repent heartily. Efforts in holiness for God is better than efforts in breaking bondages and dealing with curses generation after generation. Lord Jesus has already done everything for redemption. Blooming staff compells all readers to utilise the free gift of Lord Jesus for drawing as close as possible to Holy God. As written in the book of Revelations, let the minds of believers focus on praising "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!"

Prayer: Most mighty and Holy God, we bring ourselves heartily to You. Cleanse us again. Help us practice Psalm 15 and all other verses to remain holy for You. In Jesus's name we pray, Amen.


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