Overcoming jealousy


"For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice." James 3:16

Oftentimes young children express their jealousy through their big faces, tantrums or tears. The matter would be silly. But, the emotions that follow lasts for a long duration. Adults resolve such matters as best as they can, creating ways to restore peace in everyone. It is a phase of growing children that changes for good or bad later in life. Children will grow up finally; each one with each mindset. Those that accept Jesus as their Savior have to shed away their old ungodly characteristics someday. It takes a lot of time but is worth the efforts as God helps with each and every big and small part of life and rewards since then. God rewards those that stand firm in His commandments. While some behaviors are removed from us forever, some return to us whenever we are careless in spirit. 

The Holy Bible teaches in Genesis chapter 4 that God accepts all those who does well. God has regard towards those that bring Him the best. This chapter provides a solution; just do everything well to be regarded by God. (Genesis 4:6) God warned Cain about sin when God saw he was angry. Abel was only doing his best for God, unaware of the feelings of Cain. However, sin occurred since Cain continued without correcting himself. (Genesis 4:7) The chapter shows God punished Cain. (Genesis 4:13) Believers that want to be safe spiritually have learnings in this Bible portion. 

Ecclesiastes 4:4 is a Bible verse that stresses that actions from jealousy equals vanity. Envy towards neighbour might make one work very hard. Skills in work are gained. However, all of this is like striving after wind. Comparison, whether by self or by others, brings envy. That results in unwanted frustration most often. Proverbs 14:30 warns envy makes the bones rot. Those wanting a peaceful life should absolutely stay away from envy everyday. It is a continuous process until the end.

King Saul once took David after David killed Goliath. (1 Samuel 18:2) Everything looked smooth then. Situations shifted within less time when King Saul heard David being praised better than him. King Saul eyed David, unknowingly forgetting about his anointment. (1 Samuel 18:9) David struggled extremely hard to balance everything well. Merciful Lord was helping David all throughout. God did not give David into the hands of Saul. (1 Samuel 23:14). However, David refrained from harming Saul whenever opportunities came. (1 Samuel 24:11, 26:9-10,) The matter ended tragically with punishment of the Lord on King Saul. (1 Samuel 31)

Galatians 5:16-26 urges to keep in step with the Spirit and crucify the flesh with it's passions and desires. The fruit of Holy Spirit cannot be combined with anything else. Sin is born whenever the flesh gets control over a child of God. James 3:16 also highlights the dangers of envy. Proverbs 23:17 advises believers only need to continue fear of the Lord all the day without envying sinners. 

Blooming staff encourages every reader both young and old to consistently ensure keeping in step with the Spirit at all times. Being genuinely happy about everything and everyone is a way to honor Christ in our lives. Remember, Jesus did live as a human. Jesus set the perfect example all throughout, especially in his relationship with John the Baptist. Let us continue putting away jealousy now that we know it yields only harm.

Prayer: Abba Father, help us crucify the flesh in us. Sanctify us from all sins. Keep jealousy away from us always. May we live in fruit of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


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