By Faith


"And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief." Matthew 13:58

"For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.”" Romans 4:3

Every person that believes in God desires miracles in their lives. A spiritually ignorant person turns to God mostly at the time of adversity. Most people assume miracles make life easier. It does when the sense of responsibility is consistent. Miracles provide urgently needed materials to move forward. Miracles make the impossible possible. Miracles solve matters that could not be solved otherwise. Miracles from God are His affectionate expressions towards His children. Nothing and noone can change a miracle from Almighty God.

Many characters and crowds bring their stories as one navigates through the Word of God searching for ways to satisfy a need. Sincere efforts pave way to recognize, understand and correct in order to achieve spiritual growth while bringing current wordly problems under control. Miracles happen with faith. There are people who achieved miracles through faith. There are people who missed miracles through unbelief. Miracles happen when a mindset shifts from worldly viewpoint to spiritual viewpoint. Ones that recieve miracles without spiritual stability falls down again. The reason is that devil is very stable and consistent in ruining people. Believers overcome challenges even before the formation of challenges through consistency in obeying the Holy Bible.

Matthew 13:53-58 details a region that missed miracles due to unbelief. Many in the region were suffering many problems that Jesus could have solved easily. The visits of Jesus was indeed free of costs to all.  Consultation fees, extra charges or taxes were never involved in what Jesus did for those who approached him. It is still free for all. Only requirement is faith. Jesus provided permanent solutions that needed no additional services. Loving Jesus was rejected in unbelief, taking offense at Jesus just because the community knew his human details. The people of Nazareth lost precious deliverances and mighty works. Jesus was faithful. The region could not have faith. Yet, Jesus shared a point that the spiritual realm treasures till date. “A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household.” Matthew 13:57 b. Those that know the value of this verse, by faith, accepts and honors prophets in Jesus's name. Only precaution needed is safety from false prophecies. Unbelief brings dangers as written in Hebrews 3:12-19. Falling away from God and loosing faith leads to falling from promises of God, eventually ruining eternal life. 

Abraham, the friend of God is best example for faith. Abraham believed God. He did commit mistakes but God helped him because of the valuable relationship Abraham and God shared. Romans 4:3 teaches believing in God is counted as righteousness. Genesis 18:1-10 details how Abraham honors unknown guests. The man who had the favor of God in every aspect of his life was careful about all aspects of his life. He cared about everyone he knew and everyone he did not know. When Abraham saw the three men for the first time, he cared to treat them well. Abraham helped them refresh, rest and eat. The Lord who went to Abraham without his knowledge blessed Abraham with what he wanted the most in his life. God knew the heart of Abraham. God went to Abraham directly to communicate His promise. Abraham honored God and His angels just as he does for all people that pass by his tent. Although Sarah the wife of Abraham laughed thinking of conceiving in old age, God brought the miracle He promised Abraham. 

Even after gifting Abraham and Sarah with Isaac, God tested the faith of Abraham by asking him to sacrifice Isaac. The passage Genesis 22:1-19 details Abraham obeyed God with faith in Him. The Lord who was testing Abraham had kept an animal for sacrifice in the exact place He asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham knew God would do something to save Isaac. And, blessed Isaac was not only saved but also saw the power of God. Faith was in Isaac until the end. Hebrews chapter 11 and Hebrews 12:1-2 teaches faith using information from Old Testament. Jesus is the founder and perfector of the faith of believers. 

Blooming Staff highlights faith to all readers. Faith in God brings down miracles. Jesus does everything to strengthen faith of believers. Faith is a worthy way of life. Faith adds smiles to faces even in distressing times. Live by faith. Continue living in faith until the end. More rewards of faith await in heaven.

Prayer: Lord, we want to become Abrahams that live in faith. Give us courage to remain consistent in faith. We seek your grace to honor prophets that You allow amongst us. Revive us for thpe glorification of Your Holy name. Amen.


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