The most worthy lifestyle


"He led them by a straight way till they reached a city to dwell in." Psalm 107:7

The world records several theories about creation of all things, living and non-living. Believers follow the Holy Bible for their knowledge about all creation. Genesis 1:26 to 30 describes the overall purpose of creating humans. Almighty God, who was powerfully taking care of everything until He decided to create more beings, blessed His creations with best intentions in His mind. God is special in all aspects. He expects His creations to be special like Him. God guides His people through His straight paths that lead to their final destination i.e. eternal life. Psalm 107 talks about the journey of Israelites from slavery to their promised land, Canaan. It is generally considered simple for individuals to reach a city to dwell in. Individuals should either toil hard or adjust in a city in order to dwell in it. Psalm 107 provides insights about deliverance of God to the afflicted, helping to reach a city to dwell in i.e. eternal life. Obeying the Lord in all situations helps following the paths God set for eternal life.

Blooming staff attempts to point out behavioral features that children of God are expected to live with, as written in the fifth chapter in the book of Ephesians. Below guidelines from Ephesians 5 are mentioned for the common benefit of readers from all walks of life. May this be the start of obedience to God in every reader although the below listed is only few from the whole of Holy Bible. 

1. Become beloved children of God forever. Imitate God.

2. Walk in the love of Christ.

3. Avoid even naming sexual immorality and all impurity and covetousness.

4. Replace filthiness, foolish talks, crude joking with thanksgiving. 

5. Avoid people active in sexual immorality or impurity, covetous (i.e. idolator) until their true salvation. 

6. Discard relationships that bring deceitful empty words.

7. Walk as children of light.

8. Be the fruit of light.

9. Seek the will of God.

10. Expose unfruitful works of darkness without participation in it.

11. Be ashamed to talk of secret works of darkness.

12. Prepare oneself for Christ to shine upon.

13. Embrace wisdom forever.

14. Make best use of time.

15. Shed foolishness to understand the will of God.

16. Be filled with Holy Spirit. Avoid wine.

17. Address one another with Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs; praising God from heart

18. Thank God all the time 

19. Submissiveness to one another in reverence to Christ 

20. Husbands should submit themselves to the Lord.

21. Wives of Christ-submissive husbands should respect their husbands. 

22. Husbands are to love their wives.

23. Church should forever submit to Christ who sanctifies, splendor, nourishes and cherishes it till the end.

The above mentioned matters are tough to handle all at once in reality. This is however possible with the help of our Lord Jesus who gives His grace. While devil attempts his best to attack believers from all sides, increased faith wins battles until eternity. Blooming staff would hence, forever encourage readers to live in Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs in addition to giving thanks to the Lord. (Ephesians 5:19,20). This is the most worthy lifestyle. Luxuries, cravings, loose talks and related pleasures of life will only contribute pain upon pain. 

Almighty God, who created human beings is offering chances to live peacefully on earth and receive rewards in Heaven. His paths are straight. His ways will lead to the city where one should dwell, be in life or eternity. Time with Lord in any form brings down answers from Him for any matter. Praying, reading the Bible, listening to sermons from anointed people of God, worshipping in church fellowship, participating in gospel works are few of the many practices believers usually serve the Lord with. Ten minutes of memorizing a Bible verse brings deliverance that a gossiping phone conversation cannot. A long walk to the church and back provides more health than an expensive medical treatment. The lifestyle finally takes children of God to the city to dwell in.

Remember, God cares about His beloved children. Nothing done for Christ goes wasted. Every word, thought and deed for Christ brings rewards on earth and in Heaven, whether perceived or not. One of the best references in this context is Proverbs 22:4 that states, "The reward for humility and fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life." Psalm 34:10 teaches "The young lions suffer want and hunger; but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing." So, may this article enlighten readers to choose the ways of God that rewards with all goodnesses. 

Prayer: Lord, may our thoughts, words and deeds be filled by Holy Spirit. May we remain obedient to You forever. Help us form worthy lifestyle for eternal life. Amen.


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