How about a praying house?


"The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will flourish." Proverbs 14:11

The most comfortable place for anyone is their home. Any living space being used to reside as long as possible could be considered home. Home is generally considered the place for every person to just be themselves. Home needs very little reservations compared elsewhere. Safety and security, relaxation, food and hydration, entertainment, affection, hygiene and health are all taken care of mostly at home. Homesickness and work from home are terms that are coined from the significance humans give their homes. However, each home reveals each difference in regards with the behaviors, atmosphere, culture etc. 

Sentiments and emotions play big at houses. A house is thought of as a boon since the family that resides in it bonds strongly even during testing times. However, life may also become a disaster due to the attitudes of the ones living in the same house. While some people love staying home whenever possible, others dread the thought of being home even though resting is a constant need. There are also some people that live off ruling at home too.

The vast varieties of life experiences prepare believers to act upon their living space ultimately. Efforts of a God fearing person in a home could bring miracles from heaven. Daniel prayed in the morning, afternoon and evening everyday. (Daniel 6:10) Praying before breakfast and before dinner is a good start. Healing of terminal illnesses, marriage restoration, stability of income, visions for future, deliverance from affliction, breaking bondages etc. are possible when one makes changes according to the Holy Bible at their homes. 

Proverbs 14:1 teaches wisdom is mandatory for building a home. The meaning of the verse goes way beyond construction or decoration. A home, consisting of family, consisting of generations, should be built according to the wisdom provided in the Word of God, in order to last forever despite obstacles of Satan. Believers may want to know the best way to obtain wisdom. James 1:5 states, "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him." Regardless of gender, region, age or even finances, asking God is the best way to obtain wisdom that helps with everything. 

An environment of prayer inside a home is the best practice to remain productive at all times. Consistent prayer routine is the strongest weapon against all evil. Prayers bring down miracles as well as miseries. The presence of prayer in a house has much matters to be taken care of. The reason is prayers lead to changes. Each member of a family is responsible for their words uttered in prayer. Miseries happen ultimately when praying with selfish motives. For example, God will prove His righteousness by disciplining if one prays for the death of their neighbor in order to feel superior. If one chooses to ignore the disciplines of Almighty God, prayers of the person invites unwanted wrath. Ecclesiastes 5:1 and 2 teaches, "Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. To draw near to listen is better than to offer the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they are doing evil. Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth. Therefore let your words be few." 

Unity in family is the most important requirement for creating a praying house. Members of a family that are united achieve exceptional power from praying together. This concept is taught in Matthew 18:19-20. People of praying houses should constantly guards their hearts in obedience with Proverbs 4:23. A family in unity cares for each other genuinely, being aware that Satan works his best to break families and individuals. Paying attention for relevant matters of the home at all times with constant praying is advised. One careless word is enough for Satan to work his way into a family. Bearing with one another, accepting instructions based on the Word of God and immense faith in God is mandatory in a praying house. Consistency in prayer is highly important since the devil is consistent in fighting against it. King David prays for stability in Psalms, realizing God Almighty alone helps with stability. Holiness at praying houses should be strictly observed. Honor God, keeping in mind foolishness brings His anger.

Blooming staff encourages all readers to initiate conversion of their beautiful houses to praying houses. Further guidance on this will definitely be provided by the Lord if believers stay faithful in their commitment to God. As written in Proverbs 14:11, the tent of the upright will flourish. Prayers will guide to remove hindrances from flourishing. Prayers will make everything beautiful. Believe. Neighbors, relatives, acquaintances or even enemies would know where to go during their testing times when praying houses are flourished by God.

Prayer: Our Father, reward those who initiate praying houses. Help them rebuke the devil who tempts to sin. May we succeed in glorifying your Holy name. Amen.


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