Love of Christ

The way to securing eternity 

"Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, “The one I will kiss is the man. Seize him and lead him away under guard.” Mark 14:44

"And he said, “Who are you, Lord?” And he said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting." Acts 9:5

Mark chapter 14 verse 44 displays the risk in human love. Emotion inside a human might lead to betrayal. Judas. A human that received discipleship with Jesus. A human that lacked nothing from Jesus. A human that was allotted to fulfill Scripture about Christ. (Acts 1:17) A human that kissed Jesus only as a sign to betray him. A human that feared the power of the one he was betraying. A human that could not reverse betraying innocent blood. (Matthew 27:3,4) A disciple that was replaced by another. (Acts 1:26) Humans often fail in love by default. Love of our beloved ones might change at unexpected times. The love of Jesus never changes.

Reading the Holy Bible is a great way to learn the love of Christ. The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John records the incidents during the time of Jesus. Miracles such as healing, correcting, providing, delivering from ghosts, breaking bondages, commanding the nature are done by our loving Jesus. His advises are recorded in the Holy Bible. Those that read the Holy Bible surely benefits from each verse. The Holy Bible contains writings of Paul explaining about Christ in depth. Paul turned from persecuting Christ (Acts 8:1,3 and Acts 9) into being persecuted for Christ after realizing the love of Christ. (Acts 14:19, Acts 16:23,24, Acts 21:33) Paul remained in the love of Christ all his life.

Love of Christ covers people of all ages, all status, all health conditions, all sinners and all castes! Our powerful Jesus has no personal demands. Humans are unable to imagine how vast the love of the Lord is. However, time is extremely limited. The free opportunities to enter His love will end upon the second coming of Jesus. Ultimately, the love of Christ gracefully prepares believers for eternity. This artcile concludes highlighting that the betrayer who knew Jesus was replaced; the persecutor who did not know Jesus was given opportunity for ministry. The scripture was fulfilled through the betrayer; the ministry was expanded through the convert.

Prayer: Our Father, may this article bring forth many believers to live like Paul for Christ. May the love of Christ be recognized by each reader. Lead everyone to salvation. Amen.


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