Importance of testimonies


"Bless the LORD, O my soul, and  forget not all his benefits" Psalm 103:2

Believers provide their testimonies either when requested to share the method of overcoming their worst problems or when they recieve opportunity during spiritual meetings. Testimonies usually begin by describing a problem or situation, the challenges associated with the situation, the steps adopted to face the problem in accordance with the Word of God (mostly praying), gradually adding on the details of miracle God performed for the believer and finally concluding the solution that came from the Lord. God has been taking care of His creations generation after generation. Each human experiences the love of God uniquely. However, the struggling ones  need hope that uplift their crushed spirits. The afflcited are strengthened upon knowing how God did miracles for others before them. Testimonies keep the afflicted from giving up on their relationship with the Holy Spirit. Testimonies keep the afflicted from falling into the trap of devil. Testimonies keep the afflicted away from all harm. Testimonies are also a way in which God communicates to His believers. 

A leper was once healed by Jesus. (Luke 5:12-15) Jesus told the healed man to make offering for his cleansing to the priest. Jesus also told the healed man not to tell anyone about it. However, the healing news reached many people. People hurried to Jesus wherever Jesus went for their healing. The passage shows the desperateness of people to find solutions to their problems. Had not people heard about the healing of the leper, they would not have a permanent solution to their problems. People need to know where they can find permanent solutions. The suffering ones need hope that can be provided only by those that recieve miracles from God. Testimonies are so valuable.

Testimonies from parents and grand parents to children and grandchildren about the greatness of God is the most valuable gift on earth. The verses 1 to 3 from the book of Psalms chapter 44 teaches the value of handing over testimonies from one generation to another. The children of a family that listen to their elders speak of their experiences grow up firm in Christ, knowing only God can take them ahead in life in all situations. Such a generation pays attention to their ways, avoiding all that the Holy Bible forbids and seeking advice from God at all times. Generations that know the life experiences of their elders, will return to God someday in case they have gone astray at any point of time.

The root of all testimonies lies in the above mentioned verse from Psalms 103. The Psalmist asks his soul not to forget the benefits from God. Following few verses of the chapter shows the benefits one recieves from God are forgiveness of iniquities, healing of diseases, redemption, steadfast love and mercy from God, satisfaction with good and renewal of youth. All of these mentioned benefits are worthy of testimonies from believers. Hence, Blooming Staff encourages each reader to provide testimonies in possible ways. Testimonies glorify the Holy name of God Almighty besides uplifting silently suffering people who are afraid of their situations. 

Prayer: Merciful Father, we seek your grace to provide our testimonies without forgetting your benefits in our lives. May the afflcited be strengthened. May many be saved in your Holy Name. Amen.


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