Times of sickness


"And Hezekiah answered, “It is an easy thing for the shadow to lengthen ten steps. Rather let the shadow go back ten steps.” And Isaiah the prophet called to the LORD, and he brought the shadow back ten steps, by which it had gone down on the steps of Ahaz." 2 Kings 20:10-11

Most people desire gentle words and encouragement, especially during serious sicknesses. Situations where health is giving concerns or pain causes to seek comfort. Impressive medical care, easy access to media, painlessly effective treatment and medicines, safe and useful facilities, attentive family and friends and a lot of good words are highly valuable during the times of illness. Family and friends rush to the ones that are sick or suffered accidents. However, their unintentional words sometimes cause tears than smiles. Fear replaces courage due to such careless words. Those who have undergone similar circumstances know the value of empathetic communication.

The Word of God connects healing with forgiveness of sins, if any. It may seem unempathetic and inappropriate according to the world to mention about sins during sickness, but forgiveness of sins is crucial for healing. Psalm 103 teaches that God forgives all iniquities of His children. Same chapter teaches God heals all diseases of His children. One can easily understand during meditation of Psalm 103 that powerful God is able to do anything for His children. Healing is one of the many things God does. The only price is prayer. King Hezekiah prayed in tears for deliverance from the sickness that was leading him to death. (2 Kings 20:1-11) God heard the prayer of King Hezekiah. God showed His mercy beyond what the King could ever imagine. God sent back prophet Isaiah to reverse His decision about the King before the prophet left the premises of the palace. Almighty God did exactly what King Hezekiah chose from the two options prophet Isaiah gave as a sign for his healing. The Bible passage reminds the prayer of the sick is heard immediately by compassionate God.

It is written in James 5:14-15, "Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven." God gives this advise in the Holy Bible for the sick to be healed despite many worries regarding contagion, other health conditions, finances, caretakers etc. Times of sickness is Biblically advised phase for prayers with church and spiritual leaders, fellowship and intercessions. The Lord raises the sick when His children obeys the verse. Fear of contagion clings to those belonging to the world. Believers who are fearless in Christ remain protected from all harm under the sovereignty of God Almighty. Loving God delivers his people powerfully even if they are affected during intercession prayers; bringing miracles and glory in His name.

Prayers that seek forgiveness of sins is the best practice for all believers, especially during illness. Shortcomings continue to occur in life with or without knowledge. God is the only judge that knows every thought, word and deed of all His creations. Remaining holy for God as much as possible is mandatory for the children of God. Hence, Blooming Staff highlights the significance of receiving pardon for all sins at all times. Remaining true to Almighty God is key principle in Christian life. Eternal life awaits all those that remain firm in Christ, whether sick or healthy. Blooming staff hopes readers will find this article useful in their respective situations.

Prayer: Lord Father, use us to raise the sick. Provide us fellowship and pardon our sins to be healed. Sanctify us Lord. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.


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