1 fact about discipline from God

Corrections, admonitions and advice from anointed people of God are inevitable. Such situations and confrontations may temporarily cause embarrassment, sadness or even anger. Ones that prioritise to continously obey the Holy Bible will find ability to accept the spiritual corrections with less difficulties. Those that surrender themselves to the voice of God stays completely protected or delivered from all evil at all times. 

Whether a son or a daughter of God, the verses Proverbs 5:8-14 teach to stay away from the sin of premarital or extramarital romance and related wordly pleasures for a specific reason. Biblical advise is to constantly stay from anyone that would lead into sin. The book of Proverbs is full of wise matters that educate how to live well. The passage Proverbs 5:8-14 details the after effects of falling into sin of adultery. Verse 8 advises to ensure being far from people that lead to sin. Keeping way of oneself far from such individuals and never going near the doors of their houses is strictly advised. Stay away for own safety as such circumstances of getting near to them overpowers believers unknowingly. Believers should avoid anyone that might lead them to sin. With sin comes wrath. The relationship with God is strained with such matters. Hence, God clearly asks His children to stay away from people who are purposely involved in sin.

Believers shall get a glimpse in following verses about what happens if one gets close to mentioned people who destroy their relationship with God. 

1. Honor of the person is given away
Every child of God has their honor in life. All situations are fine to endure when people still has their honor. However, it is terrible if the honor of a person is taken away by another person selfishly. Life becomes extremely hard. Dealing with bitter words and deeds becomes daily routine. The ones that went near to such people loose their respect; their honor. Life shifts to extreme sadness. The ones that torture never respects or give humanitarian consideration at any time. Believers that remain firm in God without going near to such people will stay safe from such situations. 

2. Years are captured by the merciless 
Merciless people get those who are near them in their trap. They entrap anyone into bondage secretly to use for their selfish desires. The ones who fall into their trap have to serve them continuously, wasting years of their life until deliverance by God. Deliverance comes under the sovereignty of the Lord. By avoiding such sinful people from life, believers will stay safe from wasting their years for this type of bondage.

3. Strangers take the fill of strength
Basic necessities of life will be restricted as much as possible by the merciless, no matter how well the entrapped person earns or serves. Since the intention is to make most out of the person, the merciless strangers that once behaved lovingly will take all the strength of the ones they got into their wicked plans. Such evildoers tries to ensure their prey does not escape from them in this way.

4. Labors are used for a foreign house
Whether salaries, savings, ancestral inheritance or service, the merciless evildoers take away every belonging of their prey to be used in their house. The Holy Bible shows Jacob worked many years to marry the woman he loved. The father of the woman he loved took advantage of the situation. Yet, merciful Lord who knew it all gave deliverance at the right time.

5. Groaning as flesh and body are consumed
Life that could be beautiful, if fallen into the trap of worldly pleasures, turns into sorrow. Individuals that cannot avoid enticing wicked people groan at the end of their life without deliverance. The deliverance of those that fall into such traps comes under the sovereignty of God. Those that are not delivered groans at the end of their life as they realize they did not live well. They loose their health, wealth, honor and finally their life that could have been worthy otherwise. All they once had, including health, is consumed wrongly for the selfishness of their enticers.

6. Regret for avoiding discipline 
Those that went near and fell into the hands of people that attracted them with sweet words and similar attractions finally regrets their decision. It would be too late to realize their mistake. Most people that fell prey into wicked hands regret avoiding discipline in their life. This is painful as they might not be able to save themselves. Extreme efforts of praying, fasting, fellowship and intercessions will definitely bring miracles from merciful God. 

The one fact about discipline from God is that every advice and instruction is already written in the Holy Bible. The one fact is God appoints people for spiritual guidance with Bible verses. God has done everything in His power for His children to live happily. Believers that take efforts to study the verses in depth regularly keeps themselves safe from above mentioned painful circumstances. Believers that surrender to the corrections and advices of those anointed by God saves their lives from the hands of evildoers. Believers should also be careful to avoid usage of Bible verses according to own convenience. Blooming staff prays readers benefit most from this post.

Prayer: Loving Father, protect us from all attractions that cause sin. Guide us to avoid anyone and anything that leads us astray from You. Deliver those in traps of the wicked. Amen.


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