Most needed spiritual gift


"For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;" Proverbs 2:6

Value of wisdom is higher than outstanding scores at examinations or securing decent jobs or completing projects successfully on time. Every person carries in their heart extreme pain that arose from their unwise decisions in the past. While life continues to navigate through the unknown, seeking wisdom from God is the easiest yet most useful practice without risks; adaptable in any condition. All sad days of the past, present and future will come to an end forever with the help of wisdom from God. That means believers will be inside the grace of God, using wisdom and fruit of Holy Spirit that allows only goodness of God in the body, soul and spirit even if the days bring sadness. 

While some people avoid the wisdom Holy Bible offers due to laziness or ignorance, others avoid it purposely preferring to rely on their pride, talents, network, family and the like; trying to prove their decisions are correct. Hosea 4:6 declares, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children." Readers are humbly reminded that disappointments await those that reject knowledge from God. The children of those forgetting the law of God for own convenience are forgotten by God. Spiritually matured believers will agree God forgetting children of those who forget God would be the most frightening punishment from Heaven. 

Thorough reading of Proverbs 2:1-5 teaches how believers attain wisdom. Recieving the Word of God (acceptance), treasuring up the commandments of God (memorization), making ears attentive to wisdom (obedience), inclining heart to understanding (submission), praying for insight, praying for understanding, seeking and searching continuously for understanding like silver and hidden treasures (Bible study) are the conscious efforts believers should take. Wisdom, understanding and insight are words that are connected to each other in the mentioned verses. Ensure to retain the wisdom God gives by always obeying the Word of God. The following verses, Proverbs 2:5 and 6 informs the source of wisdom is God. The verses reveal fear of the Lord is the way to wisdom. Fear of the Lord means trying the best to obey God as much as possible. In order to obey God, one takes efforts to learn the Word of God by reading, listening and practicing the verses in every aspect of life. A God-fearing professional will not accept bribes or favors to decieve employers, knowing it is against the Word of God. However, it is wisdom from God that guides a God-fearing professional to escape from tricks such as sweet words or threats, deceitful information, invites to expensive restaurants, luxurious gifts, enticing delicacies etc. of the enemy. Fruit of Holy Spirit will control the reaction of the God fearing professional while escaping all traps.

The Holy Bible provides deeper meanings to those who meditate on verses sincerely. The Psalmist records in Psalm 19:7, "The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple." Almighty God who created everything and everyone makes those who are simple wise through His Word. The book of Proverbs is all about the wisdom King Solomon provided about various life matters for all ages and stages. Every believer knows King Solomon requested God only for wisdom when God gave him the chance to ask for his wish. Blooming staff assumes King Solomon knew the value of wisdom through the life of his father, King David. Such is the relevance of wisdom. All incidents, joys and pains a human can ever imagine is recorded in the Holy Bible along with solutions. Every word and deed of loving God is righteous. God prepared the Holy Bible in His righteousness, at His time for His chosen ones. However, only those that take efforts to learn the Holy Bible will benefit.

Blooming staff was indeed created by the grace of God, from torments with tears after a series of unwise decisions. Every initiative of Blooming Staff intends to be a helping hand for many who suffer various problems. May the Lord help everyone survive with wisdom till the second coming of Christ.

Prayer: Our heavenly Father, may your Spirit fill us with wisdom. Make us obey You at all times. Never let the enemy trap us ever again. In the name of Jesus we pray,  Amen.


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