God heard that!

"And the Lord heard it." Numbers 12:2c

There is no man in the records of the Holy Bible that was born, raised, lived and died like Moses. Believers like Moses in modern times would certainly be labelled as a loser for leaving their "blessings" behind for hardships ahead. The depth of God-given power in Moses was revealed as the sea submitted to his authority, giving way only for him and his people to go forward. Yet, Moses was very meek than all people of the earth. (Numbers 12:3)

When the life of Moses changed from the familiar phase of royalty to the unfamiliar phase of spiritual leadership, his character changed for good. Moses had changed from what he was in the past to what God wanted him to become. Drawing close to God made Moses the best person on earth. Almighty God talks of Moses as faithful in all the house of God. (Numbers 12:7b) Aaron and Miriam, the siblings of Moses engaged in loose talks against Moses once. The Lord heard that. (Numbers 12:2c) The siblings always shared sincere love especially at the crucial time of unfavorable laws. However, marriage of Moses brought Aaron and Miriam to a condition of talking against Moses. Miriam and Aaron judged Moses based on the woman Moses married, without caring about the will of God in his marriage. However, the Holy Bible points out Moses remained in his God-given character. (Numbers 12:13) The Lord called three of them suddenly to the tent of meeting. (Numbers 12:4) The Lord interferred suddenly. Meditation of the 12th chapter of the book of Numbers highlights many matters. One characteristic of God highlighted in the chapter is that God takes action against bad talks regarding His meek and faithful ones suddenly. The words that came from Miriam brought punishment upon her. Aaron who supported Miriam instead of correcting her immediately, had to fearfully cry for deliverance of Miriam. Moses, who could have taken revenge on Miriam and Aaron, cried to God immediately for his siblings. The Lord answered to the prayer of Moses immediately with His decision. (Numbers 12:14) It is observed people travelled only after Miriam was brought in again. The care for Miriam as well as the hindrance on travel is evident in Numbers 12:15. 

Whether faithful and meek people that chose God are pained with toxic words or are engaged in paining faithful ones of God, chapter 12 from the book of Numbers in the Holy Bible provides following insights for immediate corrections.

1. Faithful ones of God that are very meek lives according to the will of God at all times. God is the only judge in their lives. 

2. The Lord hears all His people. The Lord hears all that is spoken about His people. Almighty God hears all discussions within His people. 

3. Being very meek in all situations is the right decision for people of God. Remaining in the character God gave makes them graceful always. God takes care of the rest.

4. The Lord suddenly takes action upon words against His faithful ones. Beware.

5. God fixes His people whatever wrong they do. God makes things right while the faithful and meek ones remain in God without angry reactions.

6. When people carelessly pour out negative words, God cares to give best words about His faithful and meek ones that remains in His character. God proves His relationship using His words.

7. The Lord will question the irreverence shown to God to exactly those who speak ill against the faithful and very meek ones of God.

8. Almighty God will punish those that spread any displeasing words about His faithful and very meek ones in His anger. 

9. Supporters of negative talking ones will have to cry in fear to the faithful and meek ones of God for their intercession to God, seeking deliverance of the ones they ignored to correct. That is indeed a punishment God gives such supporters.

10. Words that displease God will certainly bring a hault in life of the entire community; whether travel or blessing or deliverance. The entire group continues after the time of punishment set by God.

Moses made a very important decision in faith upon knowing God. Moses remained in his decision with God. It is the choice of Moses that made him worthy for God. It is written in Hebrews 11:24 to 25, "By faith Moses, when he was grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, choosing rather to be mistreated with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin." The above verse reveals one reason that made God say Moses was faithful in all the house of God. Moses chose God and remained firm. When Moses left behind his boastful luxurious life for God, God ensured Moses lived under the care of God. It is God who guided, advised, heard prayers from, questioned for, punished for, won battles for, showed mercy upon and even buried Moses. The relationship between God and Moses inspires Blooming staff to politely urge believers to choose God. Remain firm in the decision to endure mistreatment for God upon learning the value of such relationship with God. 

Prayer: Beloved Father, we choose to belong to You forever. We refuse wordly pleasures and sin. Help us correct ourselves. Make us stable in our decision always. Amen.


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