Be different in Christ


"Truly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her.” Matthew 26:13, Mark 14:9.

All who approached Jesus were unique in their approach toward Jesus. Their immense faith made them do things differently. Noone else but Jesus could understand the individuals that met Him. Zacchaeus climbed on a tree to see Jesus. The woman suffering discharge of blood for twelve years touched the fringe of the garment of Jesus. Bartimaeus continued to cry out despite being rebuked by the crowd until Jesus heard him. Jesus pointed out their faith and powerfully solved their problems. Such incidents are recorded in the Holy Bible for believers to increase their faith.

Meditating about the woman of Bethany gives insights worth immediate attention. The passage, Mathew 26:6-13 and Mark 14:3-9 describes the details of the incident. The passage teaches the mentioned woman came for serving Jesus. It is assumed the woman needed nothing for herself since her need is not mentioned in the Bible. Below are some learnings.

Be well-prepared
The mentioned woman came where Jesus was. She visited Jesus with a very costly gift. She served Jesus herself, at the place Jesus was, using the costly gift she brought. The woman was well prepared to meet Jesus. The hosts of the house where Jesus was had no involvement. The woman utilized her time, health, wealth, knowledge and opportunity rightly. Being well prepared helped the woman carry out an anointment before burial of Jesus without her knowledge.

Ignore criticisms
The woman served Jesus in the best way possible. However, she had to hear negativity for what she did. The people around criticised her without understanding the meaning of her deeds. The Holy Bible shows no response from the woman. It is assumed she remained calm.

Focus on Jesus
The woman came to do her best for Jesus. She returned after successfully carrying out her mission. Her focus was on Jesus. Hence, the unexpected criticisms could not affect her.

Reward is certain
Jesus responded for the woman. Jesus praised her; a reward that the criticisers missed. Moreover, the Holy Bible wrote about the woman so that generations after generations read about her. Jesus turned humiliating criticisms into everlasting rewards. 

Believers that experience presence of Christ in their lives will agree that Jesus guides each one to be different. God should be honored above all, whether there is rise or decline in poverty. God takes care of all needy ones without fail. Believers need to remain alert at all times. Remaining calm in His grace during criticisms will bring rewards from God. Believers who serve Christ heartily have no time to please everyone around them.

Blooming staff desires to witness believers becoming as different as the woman at Bethany.. May all readers of Blooming Staff do things differently for Jesus. May all readers of Blooming Staff receive rewards for their efforts to honor God Almighty. Be different for Christ.

Prayer: Almighty Lord, may no criticism affect our sincerity to God. Make us different in Christ. Cleanse us from all negativities we pained others with. May your Holy name be glorified. Amen.


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