Three Biblical principles in employment


Employment is the source of income for individuals where committed work is performed for an agreed remuneration. Self employment, business or related activities are also means of income. While some people excel in their respective workplaces with relatively less problems, some dive into extreme stress with pressure at workplaces. Some consider their offices or worksites as second home. Work is necessary for all regardless of their difficulties and differences since work provides income. The Word of God provides various insights about employment. Challenges become stepping stones to success for those remaining in Christ. Employees in general have many experiences as well as expectations. Wisdom in handling challenges within responsibilities, remaining stable even during hardest trials and temptations, utilizing God given talents and loyalty to the Lord and employer are teachings from the Holy Bible related to employment. Believers know from experiences that every word written in the Bible is trustworthy and beneficial. (2 Timothy 3:16)

Solomon, son of King David was anointed as King over Israel. (1 Chronicles 29:22) Solomon knew his father had a successful reign despite frightening obstacles only because of the favor of God. Hence, Solomon decided to continue walking in His ways. The new power of Kingship only made Solomon more humble before God. Instead of pride and boast, Solomon went to worship God first after he was established. (2 Chronicles 1:3) King Solomon performed necessary customs to honor God first. (2 Chronicles 1:6) The King then had a dream in which God asked of his wish. King Solomon was humble even in his dream that he only asked for the wisdom for handling various matters of the kingdom. Solomon had sincerity to his God-given position even in sleep. Almighty God was very pleased with the request of King Solomon that he was given wisdom and knowledge, riches, possessions and honor that none before or after King Solomon had the like. (2 Chronicles 1:7-12, 14-17,1 Kings 3:17-28, 2 Chronicles 9:22) This teaches that all heartily humble employees will gain wisdom and related favors from God if they prioritise seeking God first. It is written in Matthew 6:33, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

Joseph, son of Jacob, suffered one problem after another all alone until his vision from the Lord was fulfilled. Joseph was working heartily, avoiding sin at all costs. Yet, he suffered humiliation and sorrow. Noone ever understood Joseph until God raised him to be the second highest command in Egypt. Joseph was first illtreated, abandoned and traded into an unknown land at young age by his own brothers. (Genesis 37:23-28) He was working since then. Joseph was then sent to prison, falsely accused of immoral behavior towards the wife of his master while working faithfully in their house. (Genesis 39:11-20) Joseph interpreted dream of chief cupbearer while in prison, who was restored to office but forgot Joseph. Neither did Joseph reject God nor become unstable nor did he take revenge to anyone. Joseph worked heartily whoever was his master and wherever he was placed. Almighty God used a difficult dream on Pharoah King of Egypt in order to finally raise Joseph to the vision he received from God during his childhood. By the age of thirty, God turned the trials of Joseph into the blessing of becoming second powerful authority of the land that was once strange to him. It is written in Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men".

Jesus spoke the parable of talents while He lived on earth. (Matthew 25:14-30) The parable highlights the responsibility of each worker to increase whatever is given, according to their ability. Each child of God is placed in each role by the Lord who knows the ability of each of his children. Children of God are allowed only to increase value of what was given to each of them. When a child of God is given talent to read the Holy Bible, the expectation of the Lord is to continue to read until increased to the use of God such as preaching. The long practice of reading equips the believer to memorize verses in some time. That goes on until the child of God becomes anointed by the Lord to preach from the Holy Bible, do arts and crafts with the verses, publish books, engages in church activities, etc. that uplifts others in need. The receptionist of a firm can increase talents with additional efforts such as helping departments with document control, coordination for meeting preparations, assisting secretaries when possible etc. Such Godly believers are appreciated by the Lord as written in Matthew 25:21 "His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master."

Blooming staff wishes to convert the hardships employees and employers undergo on their respective journies into rewards from the Lord using this article. Blooming staff prays each reader gets more principles from the Holy Bible about employment. 

Prayer: Our Father Lord, we pray for wisdom, faith, stability and patience at our employment. May your Holy name be exalted through this article. Bless readers who practice your principles. Amen.


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