3 ways to prepare for daily bread


"Give us this day our daily bread"

(Matthew 6:11) 

Praying for bread each day is a part of the Lord's prayer, taught by Jesus during his life on earth. The verse indicates the consumption of bread is on daily basis i.e. food for the body and spirit everyday. When praying for daily food, Scripture hints the need for growing seeds which yield the bread believers need. Jesus describes many concepts through parables for any learner to grasp thoroughly. Parable of the sower gives an insight into the Biblical requirements for providing the bread believers need. 

Parable of the sower, written in Matthew 13:3-9, Mark 4:3-9 and Luke 8:4-8 states the seeds were sown everywhere: along the paths, on the rocks, among the thorns and on good soil. The sower, God distributes seeds i.e. the Word of God everywhere, giving everyone a fair chance to leave the old self and grow into a child of God, resulting in successful life. Lord Jesus explains the parable in Matthew 13: 18-23, Mark 4:14-20 and Luke 8:11-15 concluding that only good soil allows growth that yields hundredfold. Good soil is the main requirement for producing food i.e. daily bread. Believers should focus on remaining good soil all their life for rewards from the Lord.

Word of God is entirely different from words of Satan and words of man. Job 19:2 reveals the words of man breaks one into pieces. Jesus addresses Satan as father of lies in John 8:44. Whereas, the Word of God is considered powerful, beneficial and trustworthy. (2 Timothy 3:16) The importance of remaining good soil for God is revealed only to believers who connect this information to the explanation of the parable of the sower. God is always spreading His word to all.

Becoming and remaining in the quality of good soil needs conscious efforts in order to yield quality daily bread. Believers are certain there are ways of attaining the quality of good soil.  Becoming good soil definitely means obeying the Holy Bible forever i.e. shedding all that is against the will of God and adapting all that is according to the will of God. For example, a believer that wants to live as good soil yielding many results  will have to stop stealing items and return stolen things to owners. Some verses from Psalms 119 hints of few ways to reach the quality of good soil. Below are three insights.

1. Prayer for understanding 

Psalmist acknowledges in Psalm 119:73 that God created him. He proceeds to seek understanding from God so that he can learn commandments of God. This prayer is valuable for believers as understanding is the base for learning the word of God. Ultimately, those that understand will practice the Word of God, yielding the bread for their physical and spiritual needs. With the power of understanding comes the courage to practice the Word of God regardless of challenges. Parable of the sower teaches devil tries his best to keep believers from yielding results.

2. Praise God 

The book of Psalms provide the next way to being good soil at all times. Praise God. Psalm 119:108 mentions the Psalmist praying God to accept his freewill praise offerings in return for teaching the rules of God. Believers already know praising God brings extraordinary miracles at once. The verse here confirms God teaches His rules to those who praise God. Those who abide by His rules experience miraculous life. Begin and continue to praise God even if circumstances look unfavorable. The power of God will be revealed in due time.

3. Rejoice in the Word of God

The passion to learn the word of God brings rejoicing like never before. This is a lifetime of living according to the Word of God. It is indeed tough to maintain the interest and excitement to practice Biblical principles. Believers are to constantly remind themselves that this is the only food for spiritual well being. The Psalmist notes in verse 162 of Psalm 119, "I rejoice at your Word as one who finds great spoil." Believers are to remain soil, rejoicing at the Word of God like a person who suddenly finds treasure.

Praying for daily bread leads to the quality of good soil where steady growth of seeds happen, as believers remain firm in Christ. Blooming staff is here to help attain and maintain quality of good soil for all in Christ. Blooming staff reminds believers are not just receivers of daily bread, but givers of daily bread too. Kind words or deeds might turn afflicted ones to the knowledge of loving God. Such believers living as good soil, brings miracles where believers share from their daily bread, ultimately winning another soul in Christ.

Prayer: Our Lord Father, cleanse us. Make us firm in Christ. May we be good soil for the glorification of your Holy name. May others share from our daily bread. Amen.


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