Humility in believers

"But He gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6

Although James chapter 4 warns believers about quarrels, verse 6 reveals an advise for readers. The advise is to take the grace of God for remaining humble at all times. The responsibility to provide grace to the humble remains with God. And, God never fails in any of His words. (Joshua 21:45, Psalm 145:13b, Luke 1:37) Humility, according to above verse means submitting to God. It is an attitude towards God that reflects on everything else. Humility in Christ also means resisting the tricks of devil. (James 4:7) Humility keeps believers closest to God. The proud are opposed by God.

Satan constantly tempts with attractions or provokes with trials that may distract children of God into becoming proud, with or without their knowledge. Temptations customized according to the weaknesses one has follows endlessly in life. Series of extremely tough and prolonged hardships filled with insults, sickness and negativity are often part of life. Allowing temptations and disappointments to take over will distract believers, forcing them to give up on the Word of God. That dangerous act gives devil the authority to replace humility with pride. Decisions that do not align with the Word of God invites pride however unintentional it might be. That leads to being opposed by God. Everything revolves around the Word of God. The humble will surely win their spiritual race by the grace of God. Therefore, believers are reminded to remain alert of the tricks of devil at all times.

News of recent times prove the speed of sin conquering hearts of people worldwide. Pride is the attitude the world wants; proud to be anywhere, proud to be anyone, proud about anything, proud anytime. Taking the grace of God for remaining humble all day everyday has become more urgent than ever. The grace of God is all one needs in life. The grace of God is the biggest of all rewards for the humble. The grace of God is the best help available for anyone in need. This is because the grace of God will control everything in an extraordinary manner. Grace of the Lord will perform miracles for the humble. Meanwhile, the proud will see no grace from God.

Believers are required to be humble even if issues arise from fellow believers or family. The Holy Bible teaches about the humility of Abraham, who had a great promise from God Almighty; a promise including the Lord's curse upon those who curse Abraham. (Genesis 12:3) When quarrels arose within the herders of Abraham and those of Lot, Abraham humbly requested Lot to part company to avoid quarrels. (Genesis 13:5-8) Abraham had the humility within him to let Lot choose the land he wanted. (Genesis 13:11) Yet, it was Abraham who rescued Lot and his people when taken captive from Sodom. (Genesis 14:16) And many years later, Abraham pleaded to God in the most humble manner when God decided to destroy Sodom. God rescued Lot for the sake of Abraham before destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. (Genesis 19:29) The angels urged Lot to escape, granting favors patiently even in the last minute. (Genesis 19:10-22) By being humble in the sight of God, Abraham not just received blessings for himself but also favors for his relatives. 

Valued readers of Blooming Staff are humbly urged to submit themselves to God. Relying on the grace of God is the easiest decision for children of God. Our merciful God awaits to pardon all who humbly turn to God with repentance. 

Prayer: Father Lord, we pray in unity to cleanse us from pride. We seek more grace from You to remain humble like Abraham. May your Holy name be glorified through this article. Amen.


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