Solutions in Bible

The Holy Bible has solutions humans might not imagine about. Any problem can be solved by the word of God. Generations after generations, people suffer problems. Diseases, financial instabilities, academic difficulties, marital conflicts, barrenness, employment hardships, legal battles, mental issues, fear, or even lack of basic necessities include in the list. Some are affected by evil practices such as sorceries that evildoers perform against them. Only an afflicted person understands the weariness one endures every minute of affliction.

  • Hagar and her son Ishmael wailed in the desert. They were desperate for water. The Lord opened up the eyes of Hagar. She saw the well God gave her; the solution that benefits many people along with her generations. (Genesis 21:15-21) 
  • Laban followed Jacob to harm him for fleeing with family. The Lord directly gave warning to Laban in his dream. (Genesis 31:26-29) Jacob peacefully returned to his land with greater blessings.
  • Jochebed wanted to save her baby from murder by government rule. God made her child a part of the same palace from where the rule originated. Jochebed was paid to nurse the baby Moses. (Exodus 2:2-9)
  • Hannah was provoked constantly for being barren whenever she went to the house of the Lord. (1 Samuel 1:7) She wept bitterly with a vow in the church. (1 Samuel 1:10-11) The Lord blessed Hannah with Samuel who lived well his entire life, completing the purpose of God. 
  • King David was endangered by his own son Absalom. Ahithophel was behind the plot against David. David prayed in tears and barefeet to the Lord to turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness. (2 Samuel 15:31) Although this calamity was prophesied in advance due to the sin King David committed, (2 Samuel 11:27, 12:11-12) the Lord mercifully accepted the prayer of David. (2 Samuel 17:23) 
  • Jezebel threatened Elijah to death for slaying all Baal prophets at Mount Carmel. (1 Kings 19:2) Elijah ran away in fear, praying that the Lord takes his life. (1 Kings 19:3,4) However, the Lord made Elijah prophesy about the death of Jezebel. (1 Kings 21:23,24) God made necessary arrangements for Elijah. 2 Kings 9:33 to 37 shows Jezebel died the way God spoke through Elijah. God proved Jezebel could only threaten Elijah once.
  • Except for his wife, Job lost everything once : children, property (Job 1:13-19), health (Job 2:7). Job lived his problems with prayer. And, God proved Satan wrong. God restored Job with double blessings. (Job 42:10-16) 
  • The world was full of sin. God knew He had to solve this problem to defeat Satan. Jesus, the only begotten Son of God was crucified. Jesus suffered extreme pain for saving everyone from the result of their sins. (Matthew 27:28 - 50)
  • Young Saul who was persecuting Christians was converted to Paul by the Spirit of Jesus. (Acts 9:3-7,20) Paul surrendered his life to Jesus forever. Paul was never a persecutor to Christians after that.
The word of God has powerful solutions for every matter, big or small. This writeup desires to comfort each reader with every word used here. The Holy Bible can solve anything anywhere anytime. Please believe in God. Please read the Bible. Meditate. Please think about the verse you read. Please pray about your life. The power of the Word of God will be revealed in time. However, may each reader be reminded everything comes under the sovereignty of God. Problems are the design of life for mankind. Problems continue following believers all the time. It is written in Psalms 34:19 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all." 

Prayer: Our Father, open our hearts to truly understand each verse we read from the Bible. Help us find solutions from You for every matter. May we therefore remain firm in You till the end. Amen.


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