Fiery furnace for the praying ones

"He answered and said, “But I see four men unbound, walking in the midst of the fire, and they are not hurt; and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods.” Daniel 3:25

The book of Daniel begins by showing Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego loved God regardless of changes in their situations. All four of them were only concerned about doing the will of God. The Bible passage from Daniel 3 verses 8 to 30 details the incident where dedicatedly praying men only gained reward from fiery furnace. No pain, only gain!

Daniel 3:8 highlights the incident was started by some Chaldeans, accusing the Jews to the King. We learn from the following few verses that people of God are accused whenever possible. The entire community is scorned based on the deeds of their three men. Accusers do so to the highest authority to trap the people of God into ungodly decisions. Accusers communicate in such manner that they stir negativity against the people of God. Accusations need not be feared. The end of this incident proves how powerful our God is.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego loved God deeply. They refused it boldly when the angry King Nebuchadnezzar gave final chance to the men to worship his golden image. The King wanted to know the God that will deliver the men from his hands. The men decided not to worship any idol even if God does not deliver them. (Daniel 3:17,18) That increased the anger of the King. The facial expression of the King against Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego changed. The furnace was then heated seven times more than usual. (Daniel 3:19) This reveals the world turns cruel when children of God stay committed to God during trials.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were bound in their cloaks, their tunics, their hats and their other garments upon the order of the King. They were cast into the fiery furnace. (Daniel 3:20,21) Being bound restricts movement. It is clear the King did his best to ensure the three men do not escape the deadly furnace. Binding people off of their freedom is an old practice. The evil practice continues to evolve even in this decade. Innocent ones are being invisibly bound off of freedom without their knowledge. They are bound before affliction so they do not escape the trap.

It was some Chaldeans that first created the problem but the highest authority saw the power of God first. (Daniel 3;24) King Nebuchadnezzar saw four men instead of three. The King saw the men unbound. The King saw them walking in the midst of fire. The King saw the men are not hurt. The King saw the appearance of fourth man as the son of God. (Daniel 3:25) The overheated fiery furnace is affliction equivalent to experiencing fire; Christ and angels of the Lord accompany in affliction; the fiery experience will unbound ties; the afflicted walk in the midst of their affliction; the affliction will not hurt the afflicted; most importantly, the highest authority involved will be the first to observe all of the above. The highest authority that challenges the God that delivers sees His power first.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire themselves when called by the King. (Daniel 3:26 c) The King and his people saw the fire had no power over the bodies of the three men. (Daniel 3:27) The flame of the fire had killed those that carried the three into the overheated furnace. (Daniel 3:22) The ones that dedicatedly pray have more power than fiery experience. Those that created affliction will see believers will unbound themselves with prayer in their fiery experience and come out of it themselves. The same King Nebuchadnezzar that ordered the men into fiery furnace made a decree for punishing those that speak against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. The same King stated there is no other God that rescues this way. (Daniel 3:29)

The best part of this incident is how it winded up favorable for Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. While some Chaldeans took efforts to destroy the three of them, God turned it into good for the three men. The King promoted Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the province of Babylon! (Daniel 3:30) Our God turns accusations and affliction into blessings and testimonies.

There are certain times in life that feels like living in fire. Affliction brings a person to an experience of being thrown into an overheated fiery furnace. None might understand it when one informs feeling bound from using God given resources. None might intervene or accompany when thrown into deep problem. In the end, victory belongs to those that stay committed to God. The afflicted does what others deem impossible. The afflicted is rewarded with blessing in the end. The praying ones only gain during their trial. It is written in Romans 8;28 "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."

Prayer: Dear Lord, make us bold to keep away from sin. May this article remind us that God turns bad into good for His children every single time. Amen.


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