Choosing the God of Naomi

The book of Ruth is all about excelling upon choosing God. The Holy Bible records Naomi as a mother in law that loved both of her daughters in law. Her conversations prove her unselfishness. (Ruth 1:8-9, 11-13, 15, Ruth 3:1-4, 18)  The daughters in law have been good to the family as well. (Ruth 1:8). 

Naomi was determined to face widowhood all alone. Ruth, her widowed daughter in law did not leave Naomi alone. Naomi and Ruth were uncertain about the life ahead. Risks were extremely high in terms of safety, financial security and social wellbeing. Assuming they owned an ancenstral home, other basic necessities must have been a concern. Ruth being in the family for a decade, knew their people, their land and most importantly, their God. Ruth chose the God of Naomi. That choice not only enriched her life but also honored her in geneologies of King David and Jesus Christ.

A closer look at Ruth 1:6 points out Naomi heard the Lord visited his people in Bethlehem and gave them food. Food is an important basic necessity. Naomi returned with Ruth to Judah in Bethlehem. The family of Naomi had left Bethlehem earlier with bags full during famine but returned to Bethlehem empty handed. (Ruth 1:21) However, God helped Naomi and Ruth reach Bethlehem at the beginning of barley harvest. That was a valuable opportunity. After reaching Bethlehem, Ruth actively went to work. (Ruth 2:3a) One meaning derived here is Ruth accompanied Naomi to their land with an attitude to work hard; intending to earn for their life without burdening Naomi. There opened the way for Ruth to be prospered by the Lord. Ruth gleaned till end of barley and wheat harvests and lived with Naomi. (Ruth 2:23)

Boaz, the owner of the field where Ruth worked, took notice of her. Having already heard about her good deeds, Boaz does favors for Ruth. Boaz blesses Ruth. Boaz passes on food to Ruth, who ate until she was satisfied. She had leftover food for Naomi as well. (Ruth 2:14c) Perhaps, Naomi and Ruth struggled earlier for food due to the journey and their situations. Bible records it this way signifying the value of satisfying hunger. Eating until being satisfied and having leftover for family during afflictions is memorable. The God of Naomi that Ruth chose fed them until satisfied; exactly what Naomi returned to Bethlehem for.

Ruth was safe despite the risks of being a widowed foreigner. Boaz commanded security over Ruth. (Ruth 2:9b) Choosing God of Naomi brought her protection. Ruth was being raised by God from low profile to dignified status. The protection of the Lord is over those who choose Him. They find favor when needed. The God of Naomi that Ruth chose gave her work opportunity, favors and security.

Naomi planned a way for the future; redemption, as per their custom. Naomi wanted Ruth to be blessed in life. Ruth obeyed all what Naomi told her. Ruth chapter 3 is all about Ruth obeying the plan of Naomi and returning successfully with barley gifted by Boaz. (Ruth 3:15) The Lord was guiding Ruth to her redemption through Naomi. Boaz addressed Ruth a worthy woman. (Ruth 3:11) When God is chosen, He guides to redemption for being honored. The plan for redemption succeeded. In line with their custom, Boaz married Ruth. The Lord blessed them with Obed. Ruth who chose the God of Naomi experienced the greatness of God. God allowed her the greatest of His blessings.

Ruth chose the Lord, the God of Naomi. God then began showering Ruth with one blessing after another. Ruth moved step by step to the life God prepared for her. So upon choosing God, Ruth first entered the most blessed land of Bethlehem. Secondly, Ruth found a safe workplace. Ruth received favors at her workplace. Thirdly, Ruth and Naomi received food. Fourthly, redemption took place. Ruth was highly respected. Finally, all were honored through the genealogy of King David.

Choose God sincerely, with the patience to move step by step in His plan. Work and earn. Remain worthy by staying in His plan. Avoid distractions. Ruth chose to be redeemed only according to plan of God. Obey His instructions. Reward and honor awaits.

Prayer: Abba Father, open our eyes to understand this article. Please help us to choose You every time. Give us courage to stay in your plan till the end. Amen.


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