When anointment governs communication

Old Testament portrays anointment as using oil on a person as a symbol of being chosen for a particular reason such as Kingship. New Testament reveals anointment is perceived only by faith. Anointment brings power from God to work on His purpose within family, church, fellowship, region or even workplace. We may have witnessed prayer of a spiritual leader heal a sick person. 

God wants His anointed to be wise in every aspect, especially communication. (Psalm 17:3, Psalm 39:1) Communicate sufficiently. Communicate at the right time. Communicate to the right people. Avoid communicating everything to everyone. Depend on God consciously for quality conversations that involves no lies. The anointed stays away from blaming, loosetalks, gossips and the like. The Holy Bible shows how anointed people of God control their conversations wisely. 

1 Samuel 10:15-16 "And Saul's uncle said, “Please tell me what Samuel said to you.” And Saul said to his uncle, “He told us plainly that the donkeys had been found.” But about the matter of the kingdom, of which Samuel had spoken, he did not tell him anything."

Saul controlled his conversation with his uncle instead of proudly informing about his anointment. 1 Samuel 10:9 reveals the Lord gave Saul a new heart. A new heart from God follows anointment. That helps attain wisdom for conversations. The following chapters reveal Saul was announced as King over Israel at the right time. Only Samuel knew till then that God chose Saul. The book also warns that rejecting the communication of God will result in loosing anointment. King Saul failed to continue valuing communication from God. That lead to his misery even in death.

Nehemiah 2:12 "Then I arose in the night, I and a few men with me. And I told no one what my God had put into my heart to do for Jerusalem. There was no animal with me but the one on which I rode."

The book of Nehemiah teaches about quality communication when doing the work of God. Nehemiah had support of his King for his work. God was hearing all of his prayers. He was on employment leave. His work was prestigious. Yet, he refrained from boasting. The above verse says Nehemiah did not tell anyone what God asked him to do for Jerusalem. He chose night time. He limited his resources to few men and one animal. This wisdom benefited Nehemiah. Numerous frightening challenges arose to force Nehemiah to quit his work. He still communicated wisely. His enemies failed to trap him. The book ends describing how well restoration was completed in all aspects of Jerusalem. The wisdom for quality conversations is seen : from Nehemiah enquiring about his home country, crying to God for his people, convincing the King for favors, handling the wickedness of enemies, correcting many sins of his people and finally connecting them back to their Almighty God.

Jesus, while living in the world set his example too. He used parables in his communication for better understanding. Jesus explained scriptures that will be fulfilled through Him. He maintained quality conversations all throughout. And then, Jesus limited his conversations after his arrest. (Matthew 26:63 (a), Matthew 27:12,14) Jesus had supreme power to immediately destroy those who brutally pained him. The only begotten Son of God humbled himself instead. He knew his crucifixion was necessary to save mankind. Jesus remained obedient to the Father. (Matthew 26:39) The plan of God was successfully completed by Jesus Christ. His persecutors realized truth after the death of Christ (Matthew 27:54) 

Acknowledging the anointment of God benefits in maintaining quality communication; without disgracing our Holy God. This article encourages everyone to align their communication to the will of God like how Saul initially did; like Nehemiah; like our Saviour Jesus Christ. We win when we complete the work of God.

Prayer: Our Sovereign Lord, please forgive our mistakes. We value your anointment over us. Guide our communication according to your will. May your Holy name be glorified. Amen.


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