
Showing posts from December, 2023

Be different in Christ

  " Truly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her.” Matthew 26:13, Mark 14:9. All who approached Jesus were unique in their approach toward Jesus. Their immense faith made them do things differently. Noone else but Jesus could understand the individuals that met Him. Zacchaeus climbed on a tree to see Jesus. The woman suffering discharge of blood for twelve years touched the fringe of the garment of Jesus. Bartimaeus continued to cry out despite being rebuked by the crowd until Jesus heard him. Jesus pointed out their faith and powerfully solved their problems. Such incidents are recorded in the Holy Bible for believers to increase their faith. Meditating about the woman of Bethany gives insights worth immediate attention. The passage, Mathew 26:6-13 and Mark 14:3-9 describes the details of the incident. The passage teaches the mentioned woman came for serving Jesus. It is assumed the woman needed

God heard that!

"And the Lord heard it." Numbers 12:2c There is no man in the records of the Holy Bible that was born, raised, lived and died like Moses. Believers like Moses in modern times would certainly be labelled as a loser for leaving their "blessings" behind for hardships ahead. The depth of God-given power in Moses was revealed as the sea submitted to his authority, giving way only for him and his people to go forward. Yet, Moses was very meek than all people of the earth. (Numbers 12:3) When the life of Moses changed from the familiar phase of royalty to the unfamiliar phase of spiritual leadership, his character changed for good. Moses had changed from what he was in the past to what God wanted him to become. Drawing close to God made Moses the best person on earth. Almighty God talks of Moses as faithful in all the house of God. (Numbers 12:7b) Aaron and Miriam, the siblings of Moses engaged in loose talks against Moses once. The Lord heard that. (Numbers 12:2c) The sib

Most needed spiritual gift

  "For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;" Proverbs 2:6 Value of wisdom is higher than outstanding scores at examinations or securing decent jobs or completing projects successfully on time. Every person carries in their heart extreme pain that arose from their unwise decisions in the past. While life continues to navigate through the unknown, seeking wisdom from God is the easiest yet most useful practice without risks; adaptable in any condition. All sad days of the past, present and future will come to an end forever with the help of wisdom from God. That means believers will be inside the grace of God, using wisdom and fruit of Holy Spirit that allows only goodness of God in the body, soul and spirit even if the days bring sadness.  While some people avoid the wisdom Holy Bible offers due to laziness or ignorance, others avoid it purposely preferring to rely on their pride, talents, network, family and the like; trying to prove their d