
Showing posts from November, 2023

3 ways to prepare for daily bread

  "Give us this day our daily bread" (Matthew 6:11)  Praying for bread each day is a part of the Lord's prayer, taught by Jesus during his life on earth. The verse indicates the consumption of bread is on daily basis i.e. food for the body and spirit everyday. When praying for daily food, Scripture hints the need for growing seeds which yield the bread believers need. Jesus describes many concepts through parables for any learner to grasp thoroughly. Parable of the sower gives an insight into the Biblical requirements for providing the bread believers need.  Parable of the sower, written in Matthew 13:3-9, Mark 4:3-9 and Luke 8:4-8 states the seeds were sown everywhere: along the paths, on the rocks, among the thorns and on good soil. The sower, God distributes seeds i.e. the Word of God everywhere, giving everyone a fair chance to leave the old self and grow into a child of God, resulting in successful life. Lord Jesus explains the parable in Matthew 13: 18-23, Mark 4:14

Three Biblical principles in employment

  Employment is the source of income for individuals where committed work is performed for an agreed remuneration. Self employment, business or related activities are also means of income. While some people excel in their respective workplaces with relatively less problems, some dive into extreme stress with pressure at workplaces.  Some consider their offices or worksites as second home. Work is necessary for all regardless of their difficulties and differences since work provides income. The Word of God provides various insights about employment. Challenges become stepping stones to success for those remaining in Christ. Employees in general have many experiences as well as expectations. Wisdom in handling challenges within responsibilities, remaining stable even during hardest trials and temptations, utilizing God given talents and loyalty to the Lord and employer are teachings from the Holy Bible related to employment. Believers know from experiences that every word written in the

Importance of testimonies

  "Bless the LORD, O my soul, and  forget not all his benefits" Psalm 103:2 Believers provide their testimonies either when requested to share the method of overcoming their worst problems or when they recieve opportunity during spiritual meetings. Testimonies usually begin by describing a problem or situation, the challenges associated with the situation, the steps adopted to face the problem in accordance with the Word of God (mostly praying), gradually adding on the details of miracle God performed for the believer and finally concluding the solution that came from the Lord. God has been taking care of His creations generation after generation. Each human experiences the love of God uniquely. However, the struggling ones  need hope that uplift their crushed spirits. The afflcited are strengthened upon knowing how God did miracles for others before them. Testimonies keep the afflicted from giving up on their relationship with the Holy Spirit. Testimonies keep the afflicted