
Showing posts from August, 2023

Love of Christ

The way to securing eternity  " Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, “The one I will kiss is the man. Seize him and lead him away under guard.” Mark 14:44 "And he said, “Who are you, Lord?” And he said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting." Acts 9:5 Mark chapter 14 verse 44 displays the risk in human love. Emotion inside a human might lead to betrayal. Judas. A human that received discipleship with Jesus. A human that lacked nothing from Jesus. A human that was allotted to fulfill Scripture about Christ. (Acts 1:17) A human that kissed Jesus only as a sign to betray him. A human that feared the power of the one he was betraying. A human that could not reverse betraying innocent blood. (Matthew 27:3,4) A disciple that was replaced by another. (Acts 1:26) Humans often fail in love by default. Love of our beloved ones might change at unexpected times. The love of Jesus never changes. Reading the Holy Bible is a great way to learn the love of Christ. The book

Fiery furnace for the praying ones

"He answered and said, “But I see four men unbound, walking in the midst of the fire, and they are not hurt; and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods.” Daniel 3:25 The book of Daniel begins by showing Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego loved God regardless of changes in their situations. All four of them were only concerned about doing the will of God. The Bible passage from Daniel 3 verses 8 to 30 details the incident where dedicatedly praying men only gained reward from fiery furnace. No pain, only gain! Daniel 3:8 highlights the incident was started by some Chaldeans, accusing the Jews to the King. We learn from the following few verses that people of God are accused whenever possible. The entire community is scorned based on the deeds of their three men. Accusers do so to the highest authority to trap the people of God into ungodly decisions. Accusers communicate in such manner that they stir negativity against the people of God. Accusations need not be

Solutions in Bible

The Holy Bible has solutions humans might not imagine about. Any problem can be solved by the word of God. Generations after generations, people suffer problems. Diseases, financial instabilities, academic difficulties, marital conflicts, barrenness, employment hardships, legal battles, mental issues, fear, or even lack of basic necessities include in the list. Some are affected by evil practices such as sorceries that evildoers perform against them. Only an afflicted person understands the weariness one endures every minute of affliction. Hagar and her son Ishmael wailed in the desert. They were desperate for water. The Lord opened up the eyes of Hagar. She saw the well God gave her; the solution that benefits many people along with her generations. (Genesis 21:15-21)  Laban followed Jacob to harm him for fleeing with family. The Lord directly gave warning to Laban in his dream. (Genesis 31:26-29) Jacob peacefully returned to his land with greater blessings. Jochebed wanted to sav