
Showing posts from September, 2023

One worthy practice for believers

  "Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house!’And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him. But if not, it will return to you." The world is in a faster race, achieving matters greater than the understanding of common man. While a lot of efforts are put into improving human lives, problems never seem to end. Peacelessness is a great problem. Regions rage against each other for their own welfare. Concerns of war happen every passing year. All homes experience peacelessness in recent times. Relationships grow weak as family members often find difficulty in communicating well. Conversations turn into misunderstandings. Unlike the previous decades, people are unwilling to resolve conflicts or forgive each other. Such peaceless atmosphere inside homes gradually gives devil the control for devastating the family as a whole if allowed. Besides, diseases creep in anytime. Painful health problems are a nightmare to the young and the old alike. Life

Humility in believers

"But He gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6 Although James chapter 4 warns believers about quarrels, verse 6 reveals an advise for readers. The advise is to take the grace of God for remaining humble at all times. The responsibility to provide grace to the humble remains with God. And, God never fails in any of His words. (Joshua 21:45, Psalm 145:13b, Luke 1:37) Humility, according to above verse means submitting to God. It is an attitude towards God that reflects on everything else. Humility in Christ also means resisting the tricks of devil. (James 4:7) Humility keeps believers closest to God. The proud are opposed by God. Satan constantly tempts with attractions or provokes with trials that may distract children of God into becoming proud, with or without their knowledge. Temptations customized according to the weaknesses one has follows endlessly in life. Series of extremely tough and prolonged hardships filled