
Showing posts from July, 2023

Attitude of forgiveness

"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." Matthew 6:14, 15 The above verses compel an attitude of forgiveness in believers. Forgiving makes things better. Forgiving helps in being forgiven. Forgiving is advantageous. Forgiving is the will of our heavenly Father. Forgiving authorises God for permanent solutions. Forgiving honors the word of God. Forgiving is a deep effort for having the attitude of Christ. Life experiences of suffering cheating, infedility, stealing, disobedience, insult, blasphemy, bullying or the like must have bruised our minds. The deeper the attachment, the deeper the scar. The emotional pain is worse if the wrong comes from parents, siblings, spouse or children. The offense might be accidental, ignorant or done with genuine intentions. Most of us are unaware of the quiet battles our dear ones are fighting, e

Choosing the God of Naomi

The book of Ruth is all about excelling upon choosing God. The Holy Bible records Naomi as a mother in law that loved both of her daughters in law. Her conversations prove her unselfishness. (Ruth 1:8-9, 11-13, 15, Ruth 3:1-4, 18)  The daughters in law have been good to the family as well. (Ruth 1:8).  Naomi was determined to face widowhood all alone. Ruth, her widowed daughter in law did not leave Naomi alone. Naomi and Ruth were uncertain about the life ahead. Risks were extremely high in terms of safety, financial security and social wellbeing. Assuming they owned an ancenstral home, other basic necessities must have been a concern. Ruth being in the family for a decade, knew their people, their land and most importantly, their God. Ruth chose the God of Naomi. That choice not only enriched her life but also honored her in geneologies of King David and Jesus Christ. A closer look at Ruth 1:6 points out Naomi heard the Lord visited his people in Bethlehem and gave them food. Food is

Extraordinary walk toward Jesus

The fourteenth chapter of Matthew begins by hinting Jesus had less time for himself right after hearing about the painful death of John the Baptist. The chapter mentions Jesus withdrew on hearing the news. People came where Jesus was. He mercifully cared for the needs of the crowd. He fed them. People often take efforts to meet us without knowing our situation. Jesus did what He could for the crowd without hesitation. We serve such a loving God. Our deeds are to match that of Jesus regardless of our situation.  Matthew 14:28-33 indicates certain facts about extraordinary acts of faith. Jesus made immediate arrangements to pray alone after the crowd received all that they needed. (Matthew 14:22) Jesus prayed alone. (Matthew 14:23) Then (the fourth watch of night), Jesus walked on the sea to join his disciplines on the journey he asked them to do. (Matthew 14:25) If Jesus has sent us to a place, He will join us in His time; in His own way. The passage indicates the need to be ready to we